Friday 17 February 2012


 What is peer pressure? I understand this to be the urge to do something, not minding whether it is right or wrong because you see your friends doing them.  Pressure occurs when you don’t want to do something but you are pressurized into doing it by friends and you do it because you don’t want to stand out, you want to do as your friends are doing in order to be identified as friends.

E.g. When your friends always drink and smoke illegal drugs, you are forced to join them because you are always with them and they tell you do it it’s nothing and then you do it because you just want to fit into their clique.  When they also commit crimes, you will also join them for the same reason of fitting into the group, and then you always find yourself committing all sorts of illicit act and becoming a nuisance to the society at large.
  Although peer pressure often times results to no good, but sometimes is not, this practically depends on the motive of your friends.  Now if your group of friends are the type that are always doing good stuff like; go to class, do their homework and read their books when you don’t, you will also be pressured into doing all this because you hang out with them always, you don’t want to stand out, and you want to be identified as their friend as well as fit into their group. This is peer pressure for good because it’s turning you into a better person than you used to be.
Peer pressure does not occur in teenagers alone but, it also happens to adults. As a teenager I assume you should know the difference between good and bad, you can equally decide for yourself to either allow pressure for a positive or negative effect or change.  Peer pressure can be prevented individually, with the help of parents and school’s guidance councilor etc. If a person decide within himself not to commit crime and is faced with pressure from their peer to bully others, smoke, drink and commit crime etc,they can deal with it individually by discarding such friends and associating themselves with a more responsible and focused group.  My father always say this: “Associate with people that will impact a positive change in your life and not irresponsible friends that will mislead you”.  If you are faced with pressure from your peer, don’t keep it inside speak to someone either your parents or somebody that can help you deal with.

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