Wednesday 18 April 2012


Winston forcing himself on Amber after her friend who brought her left, to go get something, it was all a set up.

This is usually common in young girls, where a friend  and sometimes best friend virtually plead with you to accompany her to see a friend, who in most cases is a guy, and when you get there, few minutes later, she asks you to wait there for her while, she go get something as the case may be.
It is very dangerous, it could even be a plan, and you could be raped in the  process of sitting there waiting for your friend, who seem to be taking ages to get back.  I saw a movie a long time ago, can’t remember the title though, where  a similar  thing happened, a girl was waiting for her friend who brought her to a guy’s house, not knowing, she went home, because that was the plan, she even took money from the guy to bring her friend who was completely ignorant of the whole situation.
 If you ever find yourself in such situation because, you couldn’t help going with your friend in the first place, take the advice my auntie once gave me, go with your friend if she has to go get something after all you came with her, do not sit in a strangers house and say to yourself  “had I known”  when something unpleasant happens, you could have prevented it, by just going with your friend.  Be wise, don’t be deceived.
Image: Google images.

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