Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Stepping down a 100- foot pole, wow! Well I will attribute it to life and all the ups and down of life itself.  living in this world that is full of different experiences that can either be positive or negative is not an easy task, as whatever you desire and want to do, comes with a price tag, trying to meet up to the expectations and full fill the price to have your dreams come true is like stepping down a 100-foot pole.

Even if food becomes more expensive today, we will still do whatever it takes to be able to afford them, because food is an absolute necessity, thus we cannot substitute food for anything else.  It goes down like that, trying to do what we can to get to our dreams with all the obstacles encountered during the period, is stepping down a pole, because we take it one at a time and eventually get there.

If you ask me, I will suggest a ladder, because a ladder will help me while stepping down the pole, in the process of doing this, I will make sure i take it one step at time not to trip until i get to the ground, which is the aim of stepping in the first place.  In other words our dreams and aspirations can only be achieved if we strategize and then take it one step at a time and never give up no matter the obstacle we encounter on the way as we eventually attain our goals.
Image: http://tara84.blogspot.com/2010/04/higher-you-go-further-you-fall.html


It’s amazing and shocking what the teens of today are capable of doing, trust me they do the least expected things on earth.  You even think they are too young to know certain things but they not only know these things, they do them to your greatest surprise.

I was watching ''Ekasi'' on E last night and it was very shocking to see how bad company corrupts good manners, how far teens can go to have their way, snicking out of the house through the window just to party, drink alcohol, smoke and be with boys, without even considering the implication of their actions and what is as stake for them. Like Koki in "Ekasi" of last night who is a very intelligent girl but started diminishing and almost missed her scholarship exams due to bad company.  Good thing she realized herself on time and made amends.

Some teens easily get carried away with this things and when it's time to grow up and face reality it becomes a problem, because they are already use to the extravagant and immoral attitude they developed in their teens, as a result some end up in serious mistakes that could lead to them failing their matric and missing some golden opportunities that Koki in "Ekasi" almost missed if not that she realized her mistake on time.  The teens of today need proper parenting and education, to help them make good decisions that will benefit them in the long run.

Images: http://www.google.co.za/imgres?imgurl=http://ironhammers.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/TS3_Generations_SneakingOut.jpg&imgrefurl=http://ironhammers.org/%3Fp%3D4679&usg=__e7Xh6OiXHuLxrr9eeRqqrR36vzw=&h=900&w=1600&sz=762&hl=en&start=2&zoom=1&tbnid=ya_PtiJWRGphJM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=150&ei=oopxT6KeCsaAhQe-7f3MAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dteens%2Bof%2Btoday-sneaking%2Bout%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1

Thursday, 22 March 2012


Right before you conceived me in your womb, you loved me.
On my birth you decided never to give up on me.
Before i even spoke, you trusted me.
I didn't have to do anything, for you to believe in me.
You Support me at all times

Even when i had to leave home to SA, you knew i will be fine.
You are ready to give out your right arm for my sake.
What can i ever do without your words of encouragement?
What have i done to deserve your love?
Am so fortunate to have a mother like you.

If there is such thing as re-incarnation will choose to be your child again.
You shower me with unconditional love.
Offer me your shoulder to cry on, when am sad.
Listen to me, even when am not making any sense.
You are the sweetest mother any child can ever wish for.


Wednesday, 21 March 2012


We do things in different ways on a daily basis, when you do something bad once, it is seen as a mistake, when you do the same thing twice, it is a coincidence but, when the same thing is repeated for the third time it becomes a habit.  The actions and alterations you make in public portray the kind of person you are, because that is how people will see you.

Reputation is the greatest aspect of a person’s life, that cannot afford to be misrepresented in any form.  We often care less about the images we portray out there through, our mode of dressing, actions and alterations made in public places and in the social media most especially.

What we do is what we get, meaning that the little things you do will affect the opinion a lot of people have about you.  Thus, if you want to succeed in life and be recognized or known for something good, you must work towards it even if it means cultivating a habit of it, at least it’s going to be noted as a good habit that is worthy of emulation.

The famous artists and scholars are known for what they do and are seen as role models in the society, if you have a terrible reputation out there, know that it is never too late to start doing things differently, that will change the perception people have about you, and there is always plenty of room for change. What we do is what we get, you must be extremely carefully about the way you represent yourself out there, especially in little things we often feel don't matter, as they make the most changes these days.  As a very little mistake done in a second is capable of changing the reputation people will have about you for the rest of your life.

Thursday, 15 March 2012


What is a wrong thing?  A wrong thing is something that is morally, academically, traditionally and personally unsuitable or bad.  Something is morally wrong when, it is not done according to the standards of good conduct, and moral has to do with the manner in which you do things that portrays your upbringing.  Something is religiously wrong when; it goes contrary to the teachings and believes of religion, it is traditionally wrong when, it goes against the custom and practices of a community.  The wrong and right of things therefore, depends on the understanding and beliefs of the individuals involved.

Often times, we become afraid of the wrong things because, we are afraid of failing, it scares us to take responsibilities of our actions.  We forget the fact that ,failing is a step towards making a positive change, the fear of failing stands in the way of new knowledge, this is because, you have to fail to know  how to do something right, than not trying at all for the fear of failing.

The above picture simply shows that what people say or think about somebody or something, often affect the way others perceive that thing, with the fear of making the wrong decision .The bride loves the groom enough to marry him, but she is scared she might have made a mistake because, people feel he is the wrong guy for her, the reverse may be the case, which means that the things we are afraid of most of the time may turn out to be the best decision ever.  It is not everything we think is bad that turn out bad, we often miss the ones that may turn out to favor us just because of the fear of failing.



Leaving my home to SA was the most difficult thing i had to do in my life had to let go of family, friends and the culture i was used to, into an entirely new way of life in SA,although,that did not change who i am. As much as i love my family and friends had to leave them, because it was a time to make a difference, to pursue a future and make a change which is constant in nature.

I cannot believe i have been away for a year now; it’s amazing, because, i never thought i could do it.  Last Christmas was the first time I had to celebrate my Christmas without my family and friends’ must say it was a bit hard, as i was home sick and really wished i was there with my family and friends.

On the other hand, it is an experience of a lifetime, because i have learnt so much within a short period of time, the mere thought of my family being far away from me, makes me strong, courageous and determined to make success, as i believe that i cannot come this far without making them proud in the end, and whatever that can keep me this far from my family and friends must be worth it, and  one of those is, academic knowledge and success that i continuously yearn for in life. People move away from home for individual reasons, which can be good or bad. Although i miss home.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

LOVE 101

According to the oxford advanced learners dictionary; love is a strong feeling of affection for somebody especially a member of the family or a friend. Just like a mother’s love or ones love for a country, fashion or food. Love is patient, kind, peaceful and love does not hurt nor because you pain, it is a free gift from nature to mankind, its unconditional and priceless.  When it becomes conditional, it is no longer love but something else.

Often time’s people misunderstand love for infatuation, thus see or perceive love as a mere four letter word with so much string attached to it.  They will always attribute it to blindness by saying that ''love is blind'', i feel very sad when i hear someone say that, this is because i feel it shouldn't be so, love is a free gift from nature to us, so it cannot be blind, it is the most beautiful thing God created, it is rather people who are blinded by infatuation thinking they are in love, Infatuation is not love, if not for any other reason, but for the mere fact that it can be violent and cause people pain contrary to love.

The greatest love of all is the unconditional love of a mother and child and that of God our creator. We all deserve to love and be loved in return, you may think you are done with love because you were meeting the wrong people, the fact is that love have not found you, when it does, you will then be able to separate love from infatuation, but always remember that God is the greatest love of all, love one another like you love yourself.


If I were to dream of fish falling from the sky at a time am facing some challenges or any other time of my life, I will look at it from a religious perspective. Just like in the Bible where manna was falling from heaven for the children of God to survive. Having a dream like that indicates prosperity and success.

Although it depends on how you see it in the dream, for example; if you dream of dead fish falling from heaven or inform of rain, as was seen in Singapore and some other part of the world, then it indicates trouble and not a blessing after all.

If you look at the picture on this blog you see a man, well dressed, playing his orchestra while fish is falling from heaven, he looks so happy and comfortable with the scenario. Now imagine if I was dreaming of something similar to that, then I will wake up and thank God in anticipation of my blessing to come which have been revealed to me in the dream in form of fish falling from the sky. A dream like that could also be a vision to a poverty stricken community, giving them hope that things could still turn around for their good.