Tuesday 27 March 2012


It’s amazing and shocking what the teens of today are capable of doing, trust me they do the least expected things on earth.  You even think they are too young to know certain things but they not only know these things, they do them to your greatest surprise.

I was watching ''Ekasi'' on E last night and it was very shocking to see how bad company corrupts good manners, how far teens can go to have their way, snicking out of the house through the window just to party, drink alcohol, smoke and be with boys, without even considering the implication of their actions and what is as stake for them. Like Koki in "Ekasi" of last night who is a very intelligent girl but started diminishing and almost missed her scholarship exams due to bad company.  Good thing she realized herself on time and made amends.

Some teens easily get carried away with this things and when it's time to grow up and face reality it becomes a problem, because they are already use to the extravagant and immoral attitude they developed in their teens, as a result some end up in serious mistakes that could lead to them failing their matric and missing some golden opportunities that Koki in "Ekasi" almost missed if not that she realized her mistake on time.  The teens of today need proper parenting and education, to help them make good decisions that will benefit them in the long run.

Images: http://www.google.co.za/imgres?imgurl=http://ironhammers.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/TS3_Generations_SneakingOut.jpg&imgrefurl=http://ironhammers.org/%3Fp%3D4679&usg=__e7Xh6OiXHuLxrr9eeRqqrR36vzw=&h=900&w=1600&sz=762&hl=en&start=2&zoom=1&tbnid=ya_PtiJWRGphJM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=150&ei=oopxT6KeCsaAhQe-7f3MAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dteens%2Bof%2Btoday-sneaking%2Bout%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1

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