Friday 17 August 2012


According to the urban dictionary; a wannabe is a poser, follower and a charlatan of sorts.  One who copies or imitates all or most of the aspects dealing with their idol. They may wish to have certain clothing, skills, vocabulary, etc., of their idols instead of their own.  Most likely a wannabe is lacking self-confidence and is looking for guidance.
A wannabe would rather  do what other people are doing just to belong and to be noticed although; that may be as a result of low self-esteem that is; not being able to trust and believe in your own abilities and always feeling inferior around your friends.

Besides; these wannabes are not doing this because; they enjoy it, they are having issues with their self-esteem and confidence and whether they admit it or not, they need help so as to work on their self-esteem and confidence and learn to be a person of their own.  If you come across a wannabe guide and help them rather than, criticise them.

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