I believe living is loving, the more we live, the more
the need to love and appreciate people arise, just like they say; seeing is
believing, it is usually easier to believe in somebody or something when we see
with our own eyes, rather than merely being told, it provides satisfaction and
erases doubt.
My greatest skills are love and lack of fear, I love
with all my heart, not the kind of love you may be thinking as you are reading
this right now, but; the agape love of God that enables one to love one another
as though, they were your brothers and sisters, the kind of love that conquers
all things, the unconditional love of God.
Nevertheless; it is this agape love of God that erases
the fear of failing that usually prevents one from trying in the first
place. With this love you will see the
opportunity in every situation and when these opportunities are properly
utilized, the sky will be your starting point rather than your limit.
Image: buzzlol.com